ECHO Platform Use Case

RINs and Renewable Fuels Trading Data Analysis and Modeling with ECHO


Our client, one of the world's largest renewable fuels trading firms, sought a tailor-made data analysis and modeling tool to navigate the complex Renewable Identification Number (RIN) market. The primary objective was to develop a sophisticated application hosted on the ECHO Platform that could efficiently handle RINs market data, automate data processing, and provide actionable insights for market research, analysis, and supply/demand predictions.


We crafted a comprehensive solution that combined data fetching, parsing, storage, and dynamic reporting capabilities to meet our client's unique needs. Our team implemented a backend data import system capable of automatically fetching, parsing, and cleaning new data reports from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website, which publishes RINs data in challenging CSV formats. This data was stored in a dedicated database, enabling historical data analysis and the automatic incorporation of new data. For the user interface, we developed a custom React web application using DevExtreme, providing a powerful platform for data analysis and modeling.


  • Data Fetching and Parsing Tool

    We created a complex data fetch and parsing tool that seamlessly accessed data from the EPA's RINs data repository. The tool automated the download, parsing, and cleaning of data reports, significantly reducing manual oversight.

  • Database for Historical Data

    We established a robust database capable of storing historical RINs market data. This allowed for easy retrieval of past data and the automatic incorporation of new data, ensuring that the application's insights were always based on the latest information.

  • Custom React Web Application

    Our team developed a user-friendly React web application using DevExtreme components. The application offered dynamic reporting features, including data tables showcasing historical RIN generation levels across different RIN categories (D3, D4, D5, D6, & D7), RINs production by fuel type, and custom supply and demand models. Users could leverage these insights for informed trading decisions in the RINs market.

  • Market Research and Analysis

    The application provided the tools necessary for in-depth market research and analysis, empowering the client to gain valuable insights into RINs market dynamics, production trends, and supply/demand factors.


By automating data fetching, parsing, and storage, the application eliminated manual RINs data processing efforts and ensured data accuracy. The custom-built React web application offered dynamic reporting and analytical capabilities, enabling the client to explore historical RINs data, analyze RIN production by fuel type, and create custom supply and demand models. This comprehensive solution empowered our client to make informed trading decisions, optimize their strategies, and navigate the complex RIN market with confidence.